Wednesday, January 8, 2014

University of Dreams - To Pack or Not Pack

Writers Note: So my first story is about college, (but is more kind of like boarding school) and I don't know how it goes in college yet, and it's like those ones you stay in. So for any readers, don't tell me it's not how college is like is this story, because I know, but I think this story seems much better set out this way.

Mabel's Point of View:
 Her alarm woke her up. 
Today was a very important day for her, which meant she had no time to lose.

But she didn't notice. She kept on complaining in her mind to realise. But she finally stopped when she looked at her calendar.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!", She quickly sat up, and looked at the time. 
"Great it's only six o'clock. I only have two hours to get ready!"

She quickly got out of bed and got dressed with no time to spare. By the time she finished she wore a bright yellow sweater, some warm pink coloured jeans and ankle high boots. She even accessorised with a minty green scarf and white headband. 

She ran into the kitchen. She realised she had only an hour and a half left to eat and check her suitcases. Her older brother, Oscar, then entered the kitchen. 

"Hey", He said as he grabbed a box of cereal, a bowl, spoon and milk. He noticed his sister going a teeny tiny bit insane as she shoved a spoon of yogurt inside her mouth, with panicking eyes at the time on the fridge. 
"Yeah hi. Gulp When is dad driving me to University of Dreams, again?", She asked, taking another spoonful of vanilla yogurt into her mouth.
"Um, I don't know? Why don't you ask him?"
"Because he's probably sleeping?"
"You don't know that. Besides, dad is always awake at this hour."
"Yeah, I guess your right."

Mabel finished eating her yogurt at that moment. She stood up, placed it in the dishwasher and went to her parents' door. She was about to gently knock it, but before she could she caught the eyes of her mother. 

"Good morning, Mabel", She quietly whispered while yawning. It seemed obvious she just woke up.

"Morning, mum. I just wanna know when is dad gonna take me because last night he said he would take me there at eight but now I just wanna make sure.", She spoke so quickly her mother didn't understand a word she said. 

"Sweetie, please explain it to me slowly."

Mabel repeated her question to her mother so she could understand better.

"Your father had a meeting this morning. You drive to the university. If you want, I could take you there."
"No! It's alright. Can we put my bags in the car and leave at 8, the usual?"
"Why of course. Take all the time you need to get ready."

Mabel's mother then moved out of the doorway to enter the kitchen. Mabel took a glance inside the room. The walls were coloured a fading blue, with white panels and a painting hanging on one of the walls. It was actually a picture of her parents when they first met. They met on a cold winter day in the same university that Mabel is now going to. It was her parents dream come true, as well as hers.

She stopped looking and thinking about her parents past and thought about her future. She needed to start checking her suitcases in case she forgot anything. She quickly sped to her room, opening up her suitcases and checking everything is there.
"Cosmetics, hairbrush, my books....done!"

She plopped down onto her bed and looked outside her window. She could see the windows on the other high rise buildings and saw the tiny people walking below her. She felt like a giant. She looked up at the sky. The sun was shining and there was not a single cloud in the sky, though maybe there was one or two slowly drifting away.
She stopped gazing at the world around her and closed up all her suitcases all over again and started carrying one by one to the elevator. Before she could make it to the hallway, her brother interrupted.

"Do you want me to help you, 'sis? Seems like a lot for a whole year."
"Well obviously! Can you carry those large ones down there? Those are pretty heavy so be careful."

After 10 minutes, they sat on the couch and rested. 
Mabel would be leaving in twenty minutes, so she did nothing but put makeup on and brush her hair. She placed on a light pink eyeshadow and black mascara that made her blue eyes appear more easily. She brushed her dark brown hair and reapplied her headband on, added a teeny tiny bit more light pink lip gloss on her lips, and added some blush to her lightly tanned face.

She heard her mother call her, and it was time to go. 

From the Writer: Also, this was meant to be like a sims 3 story, where I take photos from the gameplay and add it to the story, but now it seems easier to explain the story like a....normal story? Haha idk, but I'm putting up the first part and if you like it, tell me! I would love to know! 


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Always Start With A Hello!

I'm PastelFalls26 and I'm a normal person who loves:
  •  Writing stories! (Actually it depends when I'm in the mood)
  • Art and drawing
  • Music (who doesn't)
  •  TV show Gravity Falls (how I got falls in my name)
  • Pastel colours (soft, bright colours are so pretty)
  •  And I like reading hilarious or scary stories
  • I love sims 3!! :D I have a blog on a 100 baby challenge (so techincally it's a story) but I haven't been on it in a while....
I just written a part of a story and I'm going to publish it soon. I think its either about the start of high school or college. I think it about college.

Well then, cya!